Dirt Road Adventures – It’s Official I’m A Certified Beach Bum!

Hey friends, I’m glad you stopped by for today’s Dirt Road Adventures. However, I should have called this episode sand road adventures because I’ll officially be a certified beach bum as of tomorrow. I think two full weeks of beach walks, lying on the sand, and collecting shells make it official.

Let’s look back at all things happening during the 4th of July holiday, beach time and even some thrifting adventures.

These two weeks have been a blast spending time with all our beach neighbors, friends, daughter, and son-in-law.

driftwood ship at thrift store.

(Posts on The Ponds Farmhouse may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. See the full disclosure details here.)

Jennifer & Jason, Millie, and Jackson were with us over the 4th of July weekend. Rudy had so much fun playing with Millie.

Fortunately, for us, we had an amazing firework display in front of our beach cottage. Someone spent a fortune entertaining the entire southern part of Kure Beach.

However, once the fireworks started, Rudy hid in the bathroom. He is not a fireworks fan.

Prime Days July 11 & 12

Are you getting excited about Prime Days? Between lying on the beach and thrift store shopping, I’ve been watching all the deals.

Great savings are coming your way on July 11 & 12th Prime Days. To take advantage of all the savings, you must be an Amazon Prime member, which includes Free Shipping & Returns, and Prime Video, which includes thousands of movies, TV shows, and more.

You can join today with a FREE Trial Membership to take advantage of all the Prime Day deals.

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Prime Day Deals NOW

And WOW – My favorite Kitchen Rug (77% off)

Kitchen rug on sale during prime days

Adventures at the End of the Dirt Road

This is a look back at all my adventures this past week.

The 4th of July week began with a fun Low Country Boil patriotic celebration with our beach neighbors, friends, and family.

We also enjoyed having lunch on the river at Riverview Restaurant at Fort Fisher.

We spent much of the time on the beach, collecting shells and soaking up some Vitamin D.

Hours were spent rocking on the front porch and reading.

I finished several books, including:

Although each a very different, I recommend them all.

In Case You Missed It

Thrifting in Wilmington

We had one rainy day during the two weeks and decided to spend the day in nearby Wilmington, NC.

We began with a wonderful lunch at Indochine, one of our favorite restaurants.

Lunch at Indochine.

Next, we stopped in at Ivey Cottage, which is next door.

I immediately spotted two small vintage shifters that were a great price.

I also found a great copper watering can that I’d love, but unfortunately, it wasn’t within my budget.

Guess what I couldn’t leave behind? I can’t wait to add them to my collection of old shifters at the farmhouse.

Earlier in the week, I found a new to me shop, Angliers Attic. It is filled with so many authentic vintage and antique maritime and coastal finds.

My friend found some great ship lights to add to her newly renovated room.

Just down the road is another favorite thrifting spot, Vintage Market Place. Every booth is a feast for the eyes, and I always get so much inspiration from this treasure trove of vintage decor.

If you are visiting the Wilmington, NC, area, you must read Thrifting in Wilmington, NC.

Adventures Off The Dirt Road

Why Didn’t I Think of That?

Each week there are so many wonderful blog posts, and I’m sharing some of my favorites with you today.

There are so many creative ideas, and I always ask myself, “Why didn’t I think of that”? LOL

I look forward to getting back home and back on a regular schedule. Although being a beach bum is fun for a couple of weeks, I’m actually itching to get some projects completed.

So stay turned for more budget-friendly projects and decorating ideas.

Have the best Sunday!

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  1. What a fun two weeks for you Rachel. I too love the beach. Thanks for sharing all the great prime day deals. I can’t wait to shop.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing my fresh herb wreath DIY!

    I really appreciate that, and so glad you liked it.

    Two weeks at the beach sounds heavenly, and I hope you have an amazing and relaxing time!

  3. Looks like you’re having an amazing summer so far Rachel. Love your shoes in the pretty in pink photo💗

  4. I just returned home after 11 days at our beach place. It was a wonderful restful time! Glad you had a fun time enjoying the salt air and sandy walks!

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