Easy Salsa Recipe - Avocado & Corn

  This refreshing and flavorful salsa recipe is the perfect way to enjoy the flavors of summer.

Most every ingredient is already in my pantry, and I can throw the recipe together in about 15 minutes and be out the door to a friend's house. In addition, you can substitute the ingredients for fresh veggies in the summer months.

First, the Tomato, Avocado & Corn Salsa recipe is really delicious using canned vegetables. However, fresh is yummy when you have the time to plan ahead, and veggies are in season.

The peel on the avocado should be slightly brown.  If the peel is still green, you will see that it is hard on the inside. In addition, the avocado should be slightly soft but not mushy.  In order to tell, hold the avocado in your hand and lightly squeeze.  If there is a slight give to the peel, it's most lightly perfect.

Easy GO-TO Recipe for last minute appetizer.