DIY Whimsical Pink Bottle Brush Tree Wreath: A Dollar Tree Craft

Are you ready for another inexpensive festive Dollar Tree Craft? What about a Pink Christmas Wreath? Not into pink, no worries! You can use this tutorial to create wreaths in any color your choose. However, if you want to add a touch of pink to your seasonal decorating, this DIY Whimsical Pink Bottle Brush Tree Wreath will be a charming addition to your Christmas dรฉcor. The easy-to-make pink Christmas wreath will infuse your home with a touch of whimsical elegance.

I have always decorated with more traditional and neutral Christmas decor, but I love seeing all the pink decorations. This year, Dollar Tree has a variety of pink bottle brush trees, and I knew it was the perfect budget-friendly opportunity to add a new color to my home.

Wait until you see how fun the wreaths looks.

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Add a snowy effect with poly-fil to the Bottle Tree Wreath.

How To Make a Christmas Wreath on a Budget?

With all the expenses of Christmas its always good to save where we can. If you are looking for budget materials Dollar Tree has a great selection of seasonal decor. The wreath frames, ornaments, and bottle brush trees for this project, are priced to save you money.

With a little imagination, and creativity, you can create a high-end Christmas wreath that will wow your family and friends.

For less than $15.00 I made three pink Christmas Wreaths that look amazing.

Bottle Brush Trees For A Pink Christmas Wreath

This bottle brush tree wreath only takes a few minutes to assemble. All the supplies except the fleece fabric were purchased at Dollar Tree.

I made three wreaths to add to our guest bedroom with a combination of white and pink bottle brush trees in a variety of sizes.

Supplies for a Pink Christmas Wreath with Dollar Tree Supplies

Dollar Tree Craft Supplies

I will share all the supplies that I used to make three wreaths.

  • 1 – 12-inch Dollar Tree Wire Wreath Frame – $1.25
  • 2 – 6-inch Dollar Tree Wire Wreath Frames – $1.25
  • 1 – large pink bottle brush tree – $1.25
  • 2 – Package of three medium size pink bottle brush trees – $2.50
  • 1 – Package of three medium size white bottle brush trees – $1.25
  • 1 – Package of multi-sized white bottle brush trees – $1.25

Total cost of Dollar Tree Supplies = $8.75

In addition to Dollar Tree Supplies,

Insider Tip

There are several options for bottle brush trees at Dollar Tree this year so if you don’t like pink, look for the green, gold, and white options.

How To Make A Pink Bottle Brush Tree Wreath

Gather your supplies, fire up the hot glue gun, put the finger protectors on and let’s get started.

1. Wrap the Dollar Tree Wreath

Begin with the Sherpa Fleece Fabric and cut a piece approximately 6-inches wide and slightly longer than the circumferance of the wreath frame.

Attach the fabric to the inside of the Dollar Tree metal wreath frame with hot glue. Wrap the fabric around the frame, allowing a slight overlap to the inside. Secure the fabric with hot glue.

Continue to wrap and glue until the ends meet. Overlap the ends and secure in place with the glue.

2. Optional Step – Add beads to the top of the Bottle Brush Trees

If you’d like to adorn the white and pink bottle brush trees with beads, you can add a drop of glue and attach the bead to the top.

I only added beads to the trees with exposed metal at the top which will hold the bead steady.

Another option would be to add beads to the bristles to enhance the trees.

Add a bead to top of the tree with hot glue.

3. Attach Trees To Make a Pink Christmas Wreath

Beginning with the larger trees, add hot glue to the bottom base.

Add hot glue to bottom of tree

Press the trees into the fabric at the inner circle of the Christmas wreath.

Adding pink bottle brush trees to a small dollar tree wreath wrapped in fleece fabric

Continue to add trees to surround the center one. Nestle the bottle brush trees together so that the bristles are intertwined.

Adding pink bottle brush trees to a small dollar tree wreath wrapped in fleece fabric.

I used three bottle brush trees on the six inch wreaths and nine on the twelve inch wreath.

Large Pink Bottle Brush Tree Wreath from Dollar Tree materials and fleece fabric.

Insider Tip – Secure the Bottle Brush Trees

I found the weight of the nine trees on the twelve inch wreath caused them to wobble. Therefore, a stablizer was needs to hold all the bottle brush trees steady.

As this was an unseen obsticle, I seached for an easy solution and a wooden skewer found in my pantry was the answer.

The skewer was long enough to attach to both sides of the wreath and along the back of the trees without being noticed from the front.

Add hot glue to secure the wooden skewer to the fabric and to the trees on the backside.

You could also use a small wooden dowl for this purpose.

4. Finish the Pink Christmas Wreaths

Now you are ready to finish and hang the pink Christmas wreaths.

I added a small amount of poly-fil to the base of the trees, on the larger wreath, with hot glue. This helped to conceal the overlapping bases and gives the wreath a snowy look.

Add poly-fil to the base of the trees for a snowy effect on the Pink Christmas Wreath

In addition, I used a pink satin ribbon to make a wreath hanger.

Tie a length of ribbon around the top center of the wreath and make a small loop for hanging.

EASY and inexpensive Christmas Pink Bottle Brush Tree Wreath on a vintage ceiling tin with wooden beaded pink garland.

For the smaller wreaths, I used a similar narrow ribbon to hang.

Whimiscal Pink Christmas Wreath made with Dollar Tree bottle brush trees and wire wreath frame

It only took about 45 minutes to make all three wreaths.

They are a fun, whimiscal addition above the bed in the guest bedroom.

A trio of Easy Pink Bottle Brush Tree Wreaths hang on the bed on a vintage ceiling tin for a whimsical holiday look.

I made a beaded garland to tie the group of Pink Christmas Wreaths together.

I also used the Upcycled Tin Can Christmas Lambs to decorate the bedroom

I’ll be sharing a full tour of the guest bedroom dress in pink for the holidays, so stay tuned.

You mioght also like How to make acorn mushroom Christmas decorations.

Pink Christmas Wreath with cheap dollar tree pink bottle brush trees and wire wreath frames.
Yield: 3 wreaths

DIY Pink Christmas Wreath with Bottle Brush Trees

DIY Pink Christmas Wreath with Bottle Brush Trees

Easy Dollar Tree Craft

Prep Time 2 minutes
Active Time 45 minutes
Total Time 47 minutes
Difficulty Easy


  • 1 - 12 inch wire wreath frame
  • 2 - 6 inch wire wreath frame
  • 1/4 yard, nubby fleece fabric
  • 1 - Large Dollar Tree Bottle Brush Tree
  • 2 - Packages of 3 Pink Bottle Brush trees
  • 1 - Package of 3 White Bottle Brush trees
  • 1 - Package of multiple sized white bottle brush trees.
  • Small Beads (Optional)
  • Satin ribbon
  • Poly-fil (optional)


  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Finger Protectors
  • Wooden Skewer
  • Scissors


  1. Cut Fabric 6 inches wide and slightly longer than the circumference of the frames.
  2. Wrap fabric around the wreath frames and secure with hot glue
  3. Use hot glue to attach the bases of the bottle brush trees to the wreath.
  4. Attached a wooden skewer to the back of the large wreath. Attaching it to the wreath frame and the backs of the trees with hot glue.
  5. Add ribbon to hang.
  6. Add a small amount of poly-fil to the base of the trees on the large wreath if desired.
  7. Add beads to the tops of trees is also another option.


With 9 trees on the larger wreath, it is necessary to stabilize with a wooden skewer or possibly a small dowl rod.

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Click image below for latest Christmas Supplies.

Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to sharing my next adventures with you.

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How to create a cheap Pink Bottle Brush Tree Wreath with inexpensive Dollar Tree Craft Supplies.

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  1. Adorable! These will go perfect in my guest bedroom, along with the precious lamb. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday Season, and I thank you for all of your inspiration throughout the year.

    1. Miche,
      I am using these in our guest bedroom also. I’m doing a full reveal later this week. I hope you have a wonderful holiday also. I appreicate all your support.

  2. These wreaths are so pretty, Rachel! I love that you can customize the colors so easily too. Sharing this one with our readers this week!

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